Yu Yunique With CM Nightlies 12.1
YU Yunique launch few months ago in
September with a price tag of ₹4,999 was the first device from YU to
come with Pure Android. It was strange given Cyanogen was the selling
point of YU Televentures. However Yunique was promised a Cyanogen OS
later for those who prefer customization and tinkering with their phone.
Cyanogen and released the first build of CyanogenMod 12.1 for
Yunique with a codename 'jalebi'. If you've been waiting for Cyanogen
experience on your Yunique, you can go ahead and download the nightlies
from the
Cyanogen Website
Cyanogen Website
Be warned though that this is not official and may contain bugs and/or
missing features. So do check the build log before installing.
If you'd like to know more about the CyanogenMod and differences between Cyanogen OS and CyanogenMod read this Click Here..
Cm Rom Links:-Build Date 18-12-2015 Rom Link
Cyanogen Recovery Link:-Link